
Master Class: User-Centric Approach To Better SEO

Our CSO, Omar Kattan, participated in the 2019 DigiMarCon Middle East as an SEO thought leader. His advice is still as relevant today as ever. Search Marketing Master Class A user-centric SEO strategy helps business owners attract consumers who will interact with website content and convert into buyers of the products and services offered, this is at the heart of …

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The Best Tools For Trending Topic Inspiration

Sometimes, you need inspiration to help you create content. Check out these two tools to help you find trending topics for your industry so that you can optimize your search engine optimization (SEO). Exploding Topics The aim of the software is to provide you with ideas for content based on topics that are or are about to become more popular. …

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September 2022 Core Algo Update - SEO Recommendations

September 2022 Core Algo Update – Our SEO Recommendations

On September 26, 2022, the second Google Core Algo Update of 2022 rolled out in parallel to the Helpful Content Update. Many webmasters witnessed ranking fluctuations into October but it appears to have settled down now. Our Recommendations As always, and as with every core algo update our advice is to focus on offering the best content you can. That’s …

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4 Powerful SEO Tools to Rank on Search

There are many search engine optimization resources out there, but here are four powerful SEO tools we recommend to help you increase your organic search ranking.   Google Search Console (GSC)  GSC is the most popular free tool by Google, it’ll show you all the keywords you are getting impressions for.   You can troubleshoot technical SEO problems, expedite site indexing, …

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Recap of Google’s Search On 2022 

Some very exciting new search features were introduced at Google’s Search On 2022.  The event included a range of Google Search experts discussing the latest features and tools that make search more natural and intuitive to find what you’re looking for. Google’s mission is to “Organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.” It’s transforming search from …

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Author of Blog and title - Googles Helpful content update.

Google’s Helpful Content Update: What You Need To Know

Google started rolling out the new site-wide helpful content update On August 25th to ensure user-friendly content is the priority and not written solely for search engine ranking.  This roll-out could take several weeks to complete.    The ultimate objective of this update is to ensure users find high-quality content, aiming to encourage content that feels authentic and useful in search. …

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Page Experience SEO

Page Experience: Why it is Important for SEO

Page experience is a set of signals that measure how users perceive the experience of interacting with a web page beyond the content on the page and both on mobile and desktop devices. It is crucial for SEO. Page experience includes Core Web Vitals, which is a set of metrics that measure real-world user experience for loading performance, interactivity, and visual …

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[SEO] Product Reviews Algo - Pro & Cons Schema (1)

[SEO] New Structured Data Update – Pros and Cons

Following to our previous post on Product reviews SEO best practices, Google announced that it now picks up Pros and Cons structured data to display in search results for product reviews. According to Google. Product reviews are a valuable resource for users researching which product to buy. Product reviews often contain a list of pros and cons, which our research …

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Product Reviews Algo - SEO Best Practices

Product Reviews Algo – SEO Best Practices

On March 23rd Google updated its Algo to support the surfacing of quality product reviews in search results. This was the 3rd update for product reviews; the first (designed to reward content with first-hand research) went live in April 2021 and a second update followed in December of the same year. This is what Google said about this update… “Today, …

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