
May 2022 Core Update Content Recommendations for SEO

Several times per year, Google makes substantial improvements to their overall ranking processes, which they refer to as core updates. Core updates are designed to increase the overall relevancy of Google search results and make them more helpful and useful for everyone. On May 25th, Google released their May 2022 core update. It took 2 weeks to fully roll out. What do you …

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2022 Meta Ramadan Insights

Producing meaningful marketing during Ramadan creates lasting connections.  In the latest Insights and recommendation guide from Meta, they study how those who observe Ramadan uphold traditions and stay connected with the help of social media platforms—and how marketers can respectfully join the conversation. Due to behavioral shifts as a result of the pandemic, observers find new ways to connect online. …

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Title: 3 ays to Optimize Title Tag with female digital marketer face in Dubai

3 ways to Optimize Title Tags

This episode of the DigiFiles discusses 3 ways to Optimize your Title Tags to rank #1 on Search Engines.   What is a Title Tag?   Simply, they are HTML element in the code of your website that tell Google what your website is about.  The green highlights in the image below are examples of Title Tags.  Why are Title Tags Important? …

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Omar Katta, SEO Expert, discusses SEO Trends 2022

The DiGi files: SEO TRENDS 2022

Omar Kattan, CSO, Sandstorm Digital breaks down SEO Trends to watch out for in 2022 in order to get ahead of the curve.  Multitask United Model [MUM] We saw major algorithm changes  with the roll out of MUM, this is the way Google processes and understands content on a page and improving quality of search results using advanced artificial intelligence. …

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Pathways- A next Generation AI architecture: 5 Things You Need To Know

Pathways is a new machine learning system being developed by Google Research, that will handle many tasks at once, more efficiently. This is remarkable progress in the field of artificial intelligence.  Watch Youtube video Introducing Pathways here. 5 things you need to know about the next generation AI architecture, Pathways: Today’s AI systems are trained to do only one thing. …

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Content Recency Blog title with photo of SEO specialist

Is Content Recency a Google Ranking Factor?

Content recency refers to recently published, updated, or rewritten content.  New content is more appealing and will most likely boost your search engine result page ranking (SERP) but how important is it as a ranking factor? Content Recency is part of  Google’s ranking factor since 2011. In 2010  Google announced that the Caffeine update favors recently published or updated content, …

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Professional typing on laptop, tips on optimizing ALT text

3 Tips To Optimize Image ALT Text

The main focus of SEO is to provide a better user experience, ensuring image ALT text is in context with the page is part of the enhanced experience. In some instances, the alt text is automatically written but you have a chance to change the text. In addition, ALT text is about accessibility for the visually impaired, so you want …

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How HTTP Status Codes & Network or DNS Errors Impact Your Google Search Performance?

The newly published Google Search Engine Optimization (SEO) guide documents the HTTP status codes, network and DNS errors in detail that will impact your site’s performance in Google Search. In the document, Google covers the top 20 status codes that Googlebot encountered on the web, and the most prominent network and DNS errors.   Below are the main topics included in …

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Video Content SEO

5 Ways To Optimize Video Content

Video content has become an essential part of a brand’s online strategy.  The pandemic has accelerated video content usage.  Video SEO or V-SEO can have the potential of building quality links and increasing conversion if done correctly. Video’s need to offer viewers something they want to see and be of high quality, when used correctly, they can provide a huge …

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