10 How to Use Google's Penguin 4.0 Algorithm to Your Advantage

How to Use Google’s Penguin 4.0 Algorithm to Your Advantage

Google’s newest search algorithm, Penguin 4.0, had SEO professionals talking, panicking, and speculating when it went live on September 23. The update has two major components that will affect SEO: scope, timing, and automation. Here’s what the changes mean for you and how you can play nicely with Penguin 4.0: The point of Penguin Penguin is Google’s initiative to combat …

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outlet village website

Client News: Launch of Meraas’ The Outlet Village

We’re excited to announce the successful launch of our client  Meraas’ The Outlet Village in Jabal Ali, Dubai as well as the website which we’re proud to have been strategically involved in. We’re proud of the amazing work contributed by the Sandstorm Digital Team to get the website live and performing exceptionally well. The entire team at Sandstorm Digital wishes the …

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omar kattan sandstorm

Extreme Consumers: Who They Are & Why You Ought to Love Them

Companies generally want to develop products or services that have a high demand, as this approach improves the odds of significant sales. Subsequently, marketers for most organizations focus their research on what the majority of a given population appears to want or need. When it comes to supporting innovation and keeping businesses moving forward, however, businesses might do well to …

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Thumbs Up

Using 5 Star Reviews to Improve Local SEO

Local advertising has now progressed far beyond the Yellow Pages advertising of years past. If your website isn’t bringing in new customers for your business, then perhaps you need to rethink your local advertising strategies. Increasing your search visibility in Google is one such option, but Adwords or link building campaigns may not attract enough customers to justify the cost. …

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customer personas

Creating Customer Personas to Focus Content Marketing Efforts

Creating great content that provides customers with real value through entertainment or education is the key to successful content marketing. Unfortunately, knowing what kind of content will be most effective can be difficult for marketers to determine. With so many options and delivery methods, marketers need some way to direct their efforts to ensure they produce content that is the …

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man megaphone

5 Under-the-Radar Influencer Marketing Platforms We’ve Explored

If you are hoping to build a substantial social media following for your company (and skyrocket sales), paying attention to what is happening in the influencer marketing space is crucial. While companies like Naritiv and Famebit are well know within the social connections space, they are not the only players in the game. New platforms are being launched with increasing …

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Brief Guide: Profitable SME PPC Campaign Landing Pages

One of the elements of a Google AdWords campaign is a link to a web page that visitors first arrive at after clicking on your ad. This is called a landing page. Many small businesses running AdWords campaigns use an existing page on their website as a landing page. This often is the homepage, but it could also be a …

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Why You Should Include Influential Social Media Users in Your PR Strategy

Marketers have plenty of options when it comes to reaching out to potential customers, but for most brands, social media has become one of the most effective engagement tools. In particular, working with influential social media users is a growing trend. Connecting with influencers – social media users with large followings – is key to improving your PR strategy and …

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3 Effective Ways to Build Your Mailing List Quickly

Every marketer would like to be able to boast about having the largest mailing list of any business in the industry. After all, having a sizable list of qualified subscribers who look forward to hearing from you is quite an achievement to such an extent that the list can become an extremely valuable asset for any company. Nonetheless, it’s not …

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