startup homepage computer

Secrets of a Home Page: 10 Second Lead Generation

You meet new people almost every day. And every single time, within the first ten seconds of meeting that new person, you will generate a general impression. Sometimes that first impression turns out to be wrong. Nevertheless, it can have a lasting impact on your opinion of that person. The same goes for a company website. Your website, and your …

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woman with camera

6 Best Practices for Image Optimization Success

Image optimization is challenging because search engines have no ability to comprehend an image by itself. Instead, content creators must be relied on to input machine-readable metadata and descriptions to help search engines interpret image files in a way they can understand. Therefore, effective image optimization techniques are necessary for search engines to perceive your images as relevant to particular …

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businessman with santa hat and megaphone

Integrate SMM & PPC to Augment Sales this Holiday Season

As the web continues to become more social, the worlds of traditional paid online advertising and “free” social media marketing are becoming increasingly more convoluted. Pay-per-click campaigns that were once results-driven and entirely self-contained are beginning to produce long-term brand improvements, while free brand-driven social campaigns are producing remarkable direct action. It’s part of an inevitable shift – one that’s …

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digital people

5 Must-Discover Audience Analytics Tools for Buyer Persona Sleuths

Are you responsible for digging up details on buyer personas for your company’s content marketing team? Are you on the hunt for tools that can ensure your owned media is targeted at specific customers within your sales funnel? There are a number of audience analytics tools you can consider adding to your marketer’s resource list. Following are five tempting targeting …

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Marketing Prediction for 2015: Permission Marketing

In the Gold Rush days of online marketing (about 10 years ago), permission-based marketing meant a confirmed opt-in to the email newsletter. Scammers and spammers have since ruined what could have been a great way for legitimate marketers to communicate with prospects, and even though email marketing isn’t “dead” it’s a less-preferred way for many customers to get your messages. …

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Meet the Sandstorm Team – Nov 16 – in Dubai

If you’re in Dubai on November 16th and want to meet our team / attend a free social media strategy workshop, get in touch via the form in this blog post. We’d love to see you… Spaces limited to 30, priority will be given to our clients. Use the form in the footer to register your interest.  

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Sandstorm Signs Forex Client

We’re delighted to announce that Sandstorm Digital was recently appointed by City Index as the content marketing agency of choice for the Middle East. Founded in the UK in 1983, the award-winning City Index was one of the first retail trading brokers. It has since rapidly grown into a global business, offering products and services to retail investors and institutions all …

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Announcement: New Client Win – Souqalmal.com

We’re excited to announce our latest client win: Souqalmal.com. Sandstorm Digital was awarded the contract to manage the SEO and content marketing campaigns of the region’s #1 financial products comparison website. About Souqalmal.com Souqalmal.com (Souq al Mal is Arabic for ‘money market’) is the #1 comparison website in the Middle East and lets you compare financial and insurance products before …

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8 Influencer Marketing Platforms to Amplify Content

According to the 2014 report, “Digital Trends Briefing”, 36% of B2C and B2B marketers listed content marketing as one of their top five priorities. With 31% of the same poll group listing conversion rate optimization as a top five priority, the pressure is on to make the most of content marketing spending. One tool that a growing number of marketers …

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