content calendar - man pen

10 Steps to Putting Together a Content Creation Calendar

Any company embarking on building and growing its digital brand needs to have a content creation calendar. After all, success is no longer about randomly creating content. Instead, it’s about having a forward-thinking plan, defining when content will be created, and most importantly, outlining the internal and external resources you’ll need to take your company’s content to the next level. …

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Man and structured data

Does Your Website Need Structured Data?

No one outside of Google really knows how the super search engine decides how to rank websites, but every now and again, the real world is given snippets of information. The latest bit of info to emerge is that Google may begin to give preferential treatment to websites that contain structured data. If you are worried about your website rankings, …

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crystal ball

5 Predictive Analytics Startups We Will Be Testing

Data analysis for lead generation. Mining data to better understand consumer purchasing patterns. Filtering retail data to power marketing and sales strategies. The uses for data analytics are many. When you combine predictive technology with data analysis, you have a powerful platform indeed. It is no wonder the predictive analytics startup sector is booming. From developer APIs and enterprise data …

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5 SEO Techniques that Are More Important than Keywords

As the search engines get cleverer, SEO continues to evolve to such an extent that the best practices today are often very different from the methods that worked only a few years ago. Ultimately, Google strives to provide more relevant, higher quality search results by prioritizing user experience, and your brand needs to do the same if it wants to …

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How We Track Content Marketing Performance

Most businesses already understand the importance of content marketing as a way to raise brand awareness, enhance search engine visibility, establish authority and increase lead generation. However, many marketers have little to show for their efforts, and this is often due to not paying enough attention to the statistical data gathered from their digital marketing efforts. If you feel that …

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google hummingbird

What Hummingbird Means to Your Website Content

Back in August 2013, Google unleashed the most comprehensive change to its search algorithm to date. Google calls the update Hummingbird because it is said to be fast and precise, just like a real hummingbird. Now that websites have had some time to adjust to Hummingbird, it has become obvious that Google is changing the way websites are seen in …

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family computer confused

5 Tips for Optimizing e-Forms for Increased Conversion

In the field of conversion rate optimization, or CRO, web forms are one of the most important factors to pay attention to. That is because the main goal of a business website, namely conversion, is almost always reached by the filling in of a form. By optimizing your web forms you can increase the number of visitors that take action, …

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email automation

Lead Management Automation: Right Email @ Right Time

A potential consumer, or lead, has shown interest in your product or service, and you have received an email address. How do you maximize your chances of converting the lead, and how do you automate the process to save time and money? Leads go through five clearly identifiable stages as they turn into customers or clients. First they are leads, …

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4 Content Mistakes That Derail Inbound Marketing Efforts

Inbound marketing is a good strategy that yields results over a period of time. Content plays a central role in your inbound marketing efforts. It is good quality content that brings people to your website and helps you generate leads. Content quality is critical and it is here that people new to this style of marketing make mistakes. Here are …

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