Title: 3 ays to Optimize Title Tag with female digital marketer face in Dubai

3 ways to Optimize Title Tags

This episode of the DigiFiles discusses 3 ways to Optimize your Title Tags to rank #1 on Search Engines.   What is a Title Tag?   Simply, they are HTML element in the code of your website that tell Google what your website is about.  The green highlights in the image below are examples of Title Tags.  Why are Title Tags Important? …

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Omar Katta, SEO Expert, discusses SEO Trends 2022

The DiGi files: SEO TRENDS 2022

Omar Kattan, CSO, Sandstorm Digital breaks down SEO Trends to watch out for in 2022 in order to get ahead of the curve.  Multitask United Model [MUM] We saw major algorithm changes  with the roll out of MUM, this is the way Google processes and understands content on a page and improving quality of search results using advanced artificial intelligence. …

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Pathways- A next Generation AI architecture: 5 Things You Need To Know

Pathways is a new machine learning system being developed by Google Research, that will handle many tasks at once, more efficiently. This is remarkable progress in the field of artificial intelligence.  Watch Youtube video Introducing Pathways here. 5 things you need to know about the next generation AI architecture, Pathways: Today’s AI systems are trained to do only one thing. …

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