customer personas

Creating Customer Personas to Focus Content Marketing Efforts

Creating great content that provides customers with real value through entertainment or education is the key to successful content marketing. Unfortunately, knowing what kind of content will be most effective can be difficult for marketers to determine. With so many options and delivery methods, marketers need some way to direct their efforts to ensure they produce content that is the …

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man megaphone

5 Under-the-Radar Influencer Marketing Platforms We’ve Explored

If you are hoping to build a substantial social media following for your company (and skyrocket sales), paying attention to what is happening in the influencer marketing space is crucial. While companies like Naritiv and Famebit are well know within the social connections space, they are not the only players in the game. New platforms are being launched with increasing …

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How to Create Marketing Funnels for Skeptical Buyers

Finding new customers is one of the trickiest parts of running an online business. One of the most common, and also easiest, methods is to target prospects with a buying intent. If a person is already considering a purchase, getting them to take the next step is not too hard. However, this method ignores a huge proportion of individuals who …

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owned earned paid

The Three Bears of Content Distribution

Once upon a time a young maiden started a career in the world of content marketing and thought that strolling through a meadow with a basket full of SEO tips seemed like the beginning, middle, and end of a beautiful fairytale. Things were simple back in the day – and then reality struck. One day the maiden realized that she …

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content calendar - man pen

10 Steps to Putting Together a Content Creation Calendar

Any company embarking on building and growing its digital brand needs to have a content creation calendar. After all, success is no longer about randomly creating content. Instead, it’s about having a forward-thinking plan, defining when content will be created, and most importantly, outlining the internal and external resources you’ll need to take your company’s content to the next level. …

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4 Content Mistakes That Derail Inbound Marketing Efforts

Inbound marketing is a good strategy that yields results over a period of time. Content plays a central role in your inbound marketing efforts. It is good quality content that brings people to your website and helps you generate leads. Content quality is critical and it is here that people new to this style of marketing make mistakes. Here are …

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Five Common Content Marketing Mistakes

Nearly every content marketer has experienced this frustration: You’ve planned your strategy, done all the necessary research and created interesting content, but you’re not getting results. The new leads and increased sales you expected haven’t materialized. While content marketing can be a powerful tool when done correctly, a few errors can sabotage your efforts. Let’s review some of the most …

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5 Social Media Content KPIs Your Business Should Measure Today

Key performance indicators, return on investment, metrics, and analytics…, everyone who is anyone on social media can’t stop talking about these. Any business owner who has a social media presence wants to know if messages are being seen and read. More importantly, they want to know if social media marketing is contributing to the business in a positive way. The …

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