3 Key SEO Takeaways From The Yandex Leak

You might ask, It’s not Google, why bother?   Yandex is a Russian search engine. It’s still a significant player in the search engine market, but it is certainly not as dominant as Google. Google is the world’s largest search engine and has a global market share of over 90%, while Yandex is primarily focused on […]

How to Make Squeeze Pages That Double Your Opt-ins

The sole purpose of a squeeze page is to encourage your site’s visitors to give you their contact information. Not having a page that capitalizes on your site’s traffic means losing out on a ton of potential sales and new business. When employed correctly, squeeze pages work as great lead qualifiers, and they can also […]

How to Create Content to Generate Leads

Content marketing is a vital part of building a business, and it can generate a significant number of leads. However, there are certain things you can do which will produce more targeted, better quality prospects. By following these tips, you can create high converting content that will help your business find leads that want to […]

Think Like Google for More Website Business

Whether you want to use PPC, Pay-Per-Click marketing for your website, you should take a look at how Google scores ads to move them up in results and even charge less per click for a higher position. Google wants ad revenue, and they’re charging you for that click. Ads that get more clicks are rewarded […]

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