Clubhouse: New Audio-chat Social Networking App – Review

Clubhouse Review

Have you heard of this new drop-in Audio App yet?  There has been a buzz this week after Elon Musks made an appearance. As per the Clubhouse website, this invite-only app, is still in beta testing with only 2 million users. We were lucky enough to be invited.  This past week, our team researched this app in order to share a review, so here it is!

What is Clubhouse?

According to Clubhouse, “its a new type of network based on voice. When you open the app you can see “rooms” full of people talking—all open so you can hop in and out, exploring different conversations. You enter each room as an audience member, but if you want to talk you just raise your hand, and the speakers can choose to invite you up. Or you can create a room of your own. It’s a place to meet with friends and with new people around the world—to tell stories, ask questions, debate, learn, and have impromptu conversations on thousands of different topics.”

Why have they made it exclusive?

Clubhouse has no intention in making this app exclusive, they have said that they want to finalise initial testing before they release it to the greater public.They provide to key reasons why its invite-only for now. First, they believe in growing communities gradually and being able to make tweaks along the ways and secondly, they are still a small team and would not be able to handle more people. After receiving new funds, they are hoping to open to the whole world this year. 

Major Tweaks before its fully operational?

Clubhouse has been criticized for lack of moderation and guidelines which they need to work on before going public.  Also, it is only available for iOs users for now. 

Can I register my business?

Yes, we have, (@sandstormdigi – follow us)  as long as you are invited and have a personal cell number you don’t mind linking, then you are set.  You can also link your twitter and Instagram to your profile which could count for some leads. 

What is the benefit of opening an account for my brand?

Clubhouse can be a great new platform to leverage a business, you are able to open a chat room and have up to 5,000 people join.  You can discuss any topic related to your service or product and as a host you can engage listeners. You are also able to network in other chatrooms and make business connections. No conversation is recorded, which is a downside for companies that want to produce ever-green content that can be reached by more than 5,000 people.  For now, celebrities are the most who would benefit from this new platform but its still at its infancy and other groups such as entrepreneurs and civil rights activists have seen success. 

One of the biggest questions surrounding Clubhouse, apart from where you can find an invite, is how it’ll grow when it opens up and how people will use it. So keep your eyes open for this new app that has a potential of being a popular medium for your brand. 

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