PPC Optimization (2)

7 Essential Google Ads Reports for Clients

Google Ads reports may seem overwhelming to new users, but there is a reason for each report available through your dashboard. Learning how to read and understand these reports is one of the most important steps you can take when it comes to improving your digital marketing efforts. While all Google Ads reports give you some insight into the performance …

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Local Pack Maps

How to Advertise Your Local Business on Google’s Local Pack and Google Maps

Some local business owners view online advertising as an unnecessary expense that offers little or no benefit. After all, if your business only sells products or services at its brick-and-mortar store, why would you need to advertise online? Well, customers may search for your business online, and if they can’t find it, they may choose a nearby competitor. According to …

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Seven Essential Adwords Reports for Measuring Success

Statistics, observed Aaron Levenstein, a former business administration professor at Baruch College, are like bikinis; what they reveal is suggestive, but what they conceal is vital. This memorable maxim applies to Adwords data as well. Its typical richness may well hint at groundbreaking insights, but it takes segmentation and reporting to uncover the priceless gems of actionable information you need …

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Top 5 Tips for Effective PPC Dayparting

When it comes to marketing, your ROI means everything. It doesn’t matter how much time and money you spend on your campaign if the results don’t justify the means. Properly dayparting your native advertisements can make a massive difference in the return you get from your investment, especially based on the relatively little effort to implement proper scheduling. However, optimally …

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man relaxing - ppc savings

5 Simple Ways to Reduce Cost of Your Pay-Per-Click Advertising

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is one of the most effective strategies for marketing businesses, building brands and promoting products. However, the cost of PPC campaigns can quickly mount up, leaving some businesses with huge advertising costs that can eat up the revenue earned from the campaign. Finding simple ways to reduce the cost of your pay-per-click advertising is crucial to its …

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5 Landing Page Mistakes You Need to Watch Out For

Landing pages are an essential part of a website. Specifically, they are standalone pages that are made to meet a specific objective. This may revolve around converting visitors into subscribers, selling a product, or inviting visitors to sign up for a service. Regardless of purpose, landing pages are a must have for most websites. Brands who optimize their landing pages …

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10 Common AdWords Mistakes that Kill Campaigns

A strategically planned AdWords campaign can drive tons of laser-targeted, high-quality traffic to your website. However, if not done correctly, this online marketing method can cost you a lot of money without returns. Here are some of the most common mistakes and how you can avoid them to get the best return on your investment. 1- Using Incorrect Keywords Writing …

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laptop & coffee

4 Essential Tips to Improve Your Pay-Per-Click Ad Campaign

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertisements can be highly effective for businesses wanting to bring in more customers, launch a new product or build a recognizable brand. PPC advertising can be extremely cost effective, particularly when campaigns are targeted and designed for a specific audience. The effectiveness of any PPC ad campaign will depend on a number of factors, but there are a …

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Brief Guide: Profitable SME PPC Campaign Landing Pages

One of the elements of a Google AdWords campaign is a link to a web page that visitors first arrive at after clicking on your ad. This is called a landing page. Many small businesses running AdWords campaigns use an existing page on their website as a landing page. This often is the homepage, but it could also be a …

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adwords ad copywiter

How to Write AdWords Copy that Works

Google AdWords is one of the most popular pay-per-click (PPC) advertising platforms in the world, and millions of websites use its publisher’s component AdSense to bring in some extra revenue. AdWords displays context-relevant ads determined by the contents of the page that they are being displayed on, while advertisers pay a few cents every time someone clicks on one of …

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