2 women small business owners

5 Effective Content Marketing Formats for Small Businesses

In attending small business seminars or even searching online for ways to market your small business, you may have run into the term “content marketing.” For clarification, content marketing is using a content format to educate and attract customers. Having a solid content marketing strategy has become crucial to attracting and retaining a customer base in today’s business climate. Much …

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social media calendar

How to Create a Social Media Calendar in 4 Easy Steps

Your social media platforms provide you with a great opportunity to connect with your target audience and establish long-term relationships. However, simply posting here and there isn’t enough to make a strong impression. If you want your social platforms to be a powerful lead-generation source, you need to get strategic about your plan. Creating a social media calendar is an …

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Arab Men Walking in UAE

5 Essential Tips for Creating Effective Buyer Personas

If you want to supercharge your content marketing efforts this year, nailing your buyer personas is essential. You can’t expect to create content that converts if your team doesn’t understand exactly who they are creating content for in the first place. Before a single piece of content is created, your marketing and content creation departments should understand who the blog …

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dog reading paper

Marketing Content: Start with the Headline

Back in high school, your English teacher might have told you how to construct your report, paper or essay the way English teachers always instruct, which is to write the body copy first, then come up with a title that fits the work. When you are writing content for marketing purposes, however, you might want to ignore your English teacher’s …

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Content Marketing Analytics

How to Put the Marketing in Content Marketing

Content marketing is a relatively new thing. Call it “inbound marketing” or “permission-based marketing,” or whatever; it’s still a fairly recent concept. The idea is to exchange content – useful, relevant content – for access to an audience. It’s been proven, in this era of the internet and social media, that providing useful, relevant content to those looking for it …

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buyer persona template

Buyer Persona Template: A Blueprint for Your Ideal Customer

Effectively reaching potential buyers through targeted content generation is the cornerstone of inbound marketing. This is most efficient when the buyer is clearly understood, and a buyer persona is designed to define exactly who your content is targeting. Buyer personas not only make sure that you’re putting out the right content at the right time, but they also ensure that …

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