Our team rounded up 9 Must-have gadgets for any on-the-go digital marketer, influencer or Social Media Manager. Your phone is of course the number item you should invest in and then comes the accessories. here are some of our picks to help you up your game.
1. High Quality noise cancellation headphones for when you are travelling or in a crowded area.
2. Selfie Stick, portable stand and phone camera lenses so you can be your own photographer
3. Phone finger grip socket to easily record yourself or watch something handsfree.
4. Long lightning phone charger cable.
5. Phone microphone to optimize your audio quality.
6. Portable phone charger because our phones are bound to be low on battery on the go.
7. Phone ring light with stand to make your photos/videos quality higher.
8. Lightweight bag to carry your items easier on the go
9. Blue light – anti glare glasses to protect your eyes from the long on screen time.
Download the guide with clickable links below.