E-commerce Smartcuts: 4 Tactics for Amazing Conversion Rates

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It’s the goal of every business owner to get the most out of their e-commerce store regarding traffic and sales conversions. Businesses allocate thousands of dollars and hundreds of man-hours to testing, monitoring, and creating new content. However, these aren’t the only activities that you can perform to increase your conversions. Below are a few technical tweaks that you can implement to make sure that your site is running as fast as possible and converting as many visitors as possible-and they can all get done within 24 hours.

1. Maximizing Mobile Abilities

Mobile users are making up an increasingly more significant number of online users, so it will benefit you to make their experience as seamless as possible. That includes using mobile-friendly themes and site designs, creating comfortable swiping capabilities for the thumb or index finger, using suitable font sizes, and more. Also, consider creating site content specifically for mobile users that’s easier to scroll through and access on small computer screens. If mobile users have to scroll through tons of material to find what they’re looking for this can be a big turn-off and lead to higher bounce rates for mobile devices. Consider creating a mobile device content plan that caters to users on the go.

2. Utilizing Google Search Console

Making sure that your e-commerce store gets indexed with Google assures that its algorithm will crawl your site. Setting up your web property on Google Analytics is pretty straightforward, and there are tons of benefits to utilizing the search console. Here are a few:

• Structured data highlighting — Structured data shows how the elements of your site’s content display, which is essential for determining how Google’s web spiders crawl your site for searches (based on what users are searching for). Not only can you view your site’s data and any coding markup errors that it may contain, but you can highlight certain elements to create structured data for your website.
• HTML enhancements — Enhancements allow you to view any HTML coding errors that your website might have, such as duplicate content, missing tags, or other errors that may get flagged in an SEO audit.
• Backlinks/Referrers — Knowing what sites are linking backing to you can help you to hone in on what SEO efforts are working the best. Not only can you view your backlinks on the console, but you can also demote ones that may not be useful (or that may be harmful) to your site.
• Search keywords and top pages — The console provides thorough analytics regarding the most prominent traffic-referring keywords on your site, in addition to displaying the most-visited pages and viewing times.

Take time to familiarize with Google’s Search Console. You’ll find that it provides excellent insights that can help you put your efforts where they’ll matter the most.

3. Multi-Browser Consistency

Inconsistencies in the way your site displays across multiple browsers can put a dent in your conversion rates. While this is more of an issue for developers than marketers, it’s important to be aware of the problem. Test your site on the following top five browsers to check for any coding issues:

• Google Chrome
• Safari
• Mozilla Firefox
• Internet Explorer

Take a look at your analytics, note any significant differences in conversation rates amongst the different browsers, and then fix any pending issues.

4. Ramp Up Your Speed

The speed of your site positively affects your conversion rates, as many research studies have shown that sites that take 10 seconds more to load are likely to turn away visitors. Large and uncompressed media files and a lack of caching tools can drain your site’s memory and speed by the second. Use image optimizers and cache plugins to maximize your site’s speed and downloading times.

The right changes to your site’s backend may be the updates you need to step up your web conversions. Try conducting monthly SEO audits to stay abreast of any issues that may be chipping away at your conversion numbers.

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