3 Ways to Significantly Increase the Effectiveness of Your Call-to-Action Efforts

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Are you attempting to use online advertising but having little success? Or are you using content marketing to build a connection with consumers, yet finding your click-through rates are dismal and disappointing? The problem might not be with what you are saying in your CTAs (call-to-action), but with how you are saying it. If you want help improving your CTAs this year, incorporate the following essential marketing tips into your brand building efforts.

1) Color Connection

The colors you use in your online ads can have a significant impact on your advertising success rate. How your ads appear and the attention they attract can be influenced by choosing the right colors for your backgrounds, fonts, and CTA buttons. Understand where your ads will appear and how your ads will look on a variety of devices and screen sizes to optimize your online advertising efforts.

2) Placement Perfection

Where you place your CTA buttons can influence your click-through rate. While many brands wait until the end of their ad (below the fold) to place their ads, you are actually likely to get a higher click-through rate by placing your CTA button in the first half of your advertisement. Be sure to A/B test your CTA placements to see which locations perform best for your business.

3) Shape Styling

The shape of your CTA button can impact your online success rate. Instead of opting for generic rectangular ads like everyone else, consider utilizing a variety of different shapes in your online advertising. From circles and clouds to triangles and hexagons, the key is to test a variety of CTA shapes to see which ones attract the most eyeballs to your business’ ads.

Integrate these three tips into your call-to-action buttons and you will increase the efficiency of your advertising efforts. Once you see the impact optimized CTAs have on your outreach efforts, you’ll wish you had doubled down on your call-to-action buttons sooner.

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