How to Maximize Return on Investment for Paid Search Marketing

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Adopting an account management based strategy for paid search accounts requires set goals and stringent control over well-defined areas of the account. Attention must be given to data results and integration must be incorporated between platforms to optimize results and improve overall performance.

Growing Existing Accounts

Recognize strengths and weaknesses that are already in place. Find the short term wins and use these opportunities toward the end goal. Take keywords and campaigns and mix them up by asking:

  • What are the priorities?
  • What are the CPA (cost-per-action) goals?
  • What are the ROAS (return-on-advertising-sales)?
  • Can back-end performance be tracked accurately?

Communication between stakeholders, setting clearly defined goals and establishing a sound management approach will streamline the strategies to be put in place.

To set search teams in clear directions, down-funnel conversion rates and top-funnel goal metrics must align. Integrate front-end data with third-party data sources. The more data that is utilized efficiently will mean consistent performance rates and strategic optimization results.

Budget Allocations and Optimizing CPA Goals

Search accounts have multiple products and services across multiple platforms. These all need to be managed within budget and for ultimate optimization. To reach the end goal, the performance benchmarks must support budget recommendations. This can be achieved once individual goals pertaining to specific areas are set and applied.

By applying account management skills, multiple search accounts can be honed under one CPA goal instead of separate goals per platform. This invites dialogue between stakeholders, across platforms and ensures performance goals remain on track.

Efficient Spend Capacity Can Grow Search Accounts and Guarantee Account Longevity

Specific sets of keywords are allocated their own budgets. By testing the sets out, eventually one arrives at the best formula with the most cost-effective results.

Efficient spend capacity increases the amount of budget spent on brand, A-level and B-level keyword sets. This, in turn, sets the capacity of spend at or below CPA goals.

Efficient spend capacity is a concept of paramount importance to account holders, as the more efficient the spend capacity the more chance the search account has of growing into a strong, long term account.

Structure For Long Term Success

Restructuring an account does not mean a complete overhaul is needed. Rather, it brings to attention the need for a good flow of data from front to back end, as well as tracking and tagging.

A level of granularity should exist between data strategy and budget allocation. Once goals and structure have been set up and are in place, day to day testing must be done to ensure keyword sets perform according to strategies.

This management approach across all areas will optimize results, increase budget and improve ROI across all platforms. Good data monitoring will bring all these factors into play.

Expansion and scaling takes time, management skills, efficient data flow and perseverance. The result will be a cost efficient account built to last.

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