How to Create Marketing Funnels for Skeptical Buyers

Finding new customers is one of the trickiest parts of running an online business. One of the most common, and also easiest, methods is to target prospects with a buying intent. If a person is already considering a purchase, getting them to take the next step is not too hard. However, this method ignores a huge proportion of individuals who would make a purchase under different circumstances. Most of your market will have an interest in the broader niche, but you will need to develop an effective marketing funnel to convince them to purchase. The following techniques are all helpful in marketing to skeptical people who need some convincing.

Be Personal

Your initial interactions should aim to build trust and overcome any objections. A prospect will be unlikely to trust you immediately, but effective targeting should mean they are intrigued by your offer. Try to add personality from the beginning by avoiding a faceless, corporate style. Create a customer avatar based on your demographic research, using this avatar to speak directly to the reader. The focus, though, should be on what your product can do for the buyer, avoiding excessive talk about yourself or your company.

Use Storytelling

Storytelling is an old marketing method, but it has become particularly important online. Without physical stores or recognizable faces, storytelling can be used to give your business its own context, helping to communicate ideas and messages in memorable ways. The story you tell doesn’t need to be elaborate or overly dramatic, but can simply speak to the values or desires of your prospects. Effective storytelling will allow people to visualize concepts that might typically be considered mundane. In the social media age, a good story can also be shared and discussed widely.

Make the First Commitment Small

When you are first introducing yourself to a prospect, try to keep the first commitment small. If you ask for too much of an investment, most people will be reluctant to take the next step. For example, rather than immediately trying to sell a product, ask a prospect to join your email newsletter in exchange for a relevant gift. Your product may be enticing, but you can get the best results by gradually strengthening the relationship.

Provide Exceptional Value

Your customers need to feel they are getting value for money, but you should look to provide this with every interaction. In the early stages, providing quality content without charge can overcome some strong objections. Your email list should be helpful and informative, while the products themselves must deliver beyond expectations. When you can provide this exceptional value, customers will gladly move through your marketing funnel buying higher priced items or maintaining subscriptions.

Give Proof

You will inevitably make some claims about your product, so look to back this up with solid proof. Testimonials are good ways of showing proof, with the honest assessments of real people being very convincing. If your product performs a task, include a video showing it in action. People are used to big claims being made online, so always look to counteract the understandable skepticism with plenty of proof.

A combination of these factors should be enough to convert a great deal more prospects into buyers. A marketing funnel lets you build a strong relationship, taking time to prove your value. Making quick sales to eager buyers is an effective strategy, but your funnel will open the market up to the huge numbers of skeptical people who need some extra attention. After tracking and testing, your conversion rate should hit a rate that allows for maximum growth.

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