
Homepage Failing to Convert? Use These 4 Rules to Improve Results

If you’re considering a website redesign or want to generate more leads from your website, it’s important to start with your homepage. Many businesses fail to optimize their homepage for conversions, despite the fact that it’s the doorway to a high proportion of their web traffic. Your homepage is often the first experience potential customers have of your business. This …

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5 Tips for Optimizing e-Forms for Increased Conversion

In the field of conversion rate optimization, or CRO, web forms are one of the most important factors to pay attention to. That is because the main goal of a business website, namely conversion, is almost always reached by the filling in of a form. By optimizing your web forms you can increase the number of visitors that take action, …

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Conversion Optimization Through Google Analytics

Google Analytics provides a wealth of data for those looking to optimize their conversion, whether a webmaster is interested in very basic site tweaks or a comprehensive testing process. Optimizing your conversion often requires a level of experimentation, and Google Analytics can give you insight into changes that may be beneficial, in addition to showing you exactly how these changes …

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Secrets of a Home Page: 10 Second Lead Generation

You meet new people almost every day. And every single time, within the first ten seconds of meeting that new person, you will generate a general impression. Sometimes that first impression turns out to be wrong. Nevertheless, it can have a lasting impact on your opinion of that person. The same goes for a company website. Your website, and your …

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